About ISES

Our Vision

To better our world, its ecosystems, and inhabitants, by creating an international community that advances and integrates exposure science into research and action.

Our Mission

ISES works to meet humanity’s needs for public health and environmental protection through a global community of exposure science professionals. ISES encourages the open exchange of information, provides opportunities for career development, acknowledges and promotes excellence in the practice of exposure assessments and research in the field of exposure science.

Our Strategic Plan

ISES is poised for growth and innovation as we embark on a 5-year strategic plan, 2020-2025. This is the latest update of the plan which you can view here.

ISES works to meet humanity’s needs for public health and environmental protection through a global community of exposure science professionals. ISES encourages the open exchange of information, provides opportunities for career development, acknowledges and promotes excellence in the practice of exposure assessments and research in the field of exposure science.

2024 Board of Directors

The views and opinions expressed by ISES are those of the Society and should not be attributed to the individual Board members’ agency or organization.

Below are some operational materials helpful for managing the business of ISES:

Current Bylaws (last updated December 2020).  
Anti-Harassment Policy (updated 2018).
ISES Policies and Procedures (ongoing updates).


The Society encourages members in different geographic regions to:

  • Facilitate meetings among members who reside in close proximity.
  • Provide guidance on local scientific, regulatory and policy issues that require an understanding of exposure to environmental or occupational agents.
  • Provide a forum for promoting student participation in the field of exposure science.

Please email us here if you have questions about a current Chapter or establishing a new Chapter.

Asia Chapter

President: Jasmine Duan
Vice-President:  Yankai Xia
For the most updated information and activities of the Asia Chapter, please visit the website
  1. Foster, promote and advance the science of exposure analysis related to environmental stressors in human populations and ecosystems.
  2. Promote communication among scientists, policy makers, the general public and other individuals or organizations interested in items listed in Objective A.
  3. Strengthen the impact of exposure science on environmental policy making.
  4. Serve as the focal point for interaction of members of the Society and other interested individuals from academia, government and industry in the East Asian countries, i.e., to provide communication and interaction opportunities for researchers, particularly young investigators and scientists associated with government whose opportunity to travel to international meetings is limited.
  5. Further improve understanding, awareness, and appropriate applications of exposure science, and to promote an exchange of ideas, communication and practical experiences among members of the academic, professional, industrial and regulatory communities engaged in exposure science; e.g., exposure scientists, epidemiologists, toxicologists and other scientists in academia, government and industry in the East Asian countries.
  6. Disseminate exposure information and concepts to all interested individuals.
  7. Foster integration and interaction of the various disciplines involved in exposure science.
  8. Hold scientific and educational meetings and workshops.
  9. Act as a resource for and provide support to the Society.

Europe Chapter

President: Paul Scheepers


  1. Build a European Programme to generate, assess, exchange, and communicate experimental and model-based exposure data in support of a European strategy for exposure science in the 21st century.
  2. Advance exposure science with focus on closing knowledge gaps, building science-based and operational data and methods, fostering integration and interaction of disciplines involved in exposure science, and anchoring exposure information in decision-making by all stakeholders.
  3. Provide guidance and recommendations for exposure assessment in science and policy.
  4. Foster the inclusion of realistic exposure information in risk assessment, alternatives assessment and chemical substitution, high-throughput risk screening, life-cycle assessment, and other regulatory and non-regulatory frameworks and management tools.
  5. Strengthen the impact of exposure science on human health and environmental policies.
  6. Support trans-agency and trans-institutional coordination, education, and engaging a broader European stakeholder community including triggering and supporting a European infrastructure to facilitate sharing, generation and dissemination of exposure information.


Europe Chapter website


Committees are the vital spark of the Society. Without active membership on our committees, the business of the Society would not get done! Join a committee and make an impact on the future of ISES!


One of the most valuable membership benefits is the opportunity to serve the Society by participating on a committee. Joining a committee will provide you with an opportunity to drive the direction of the Society, influence priorities, and use your skills to advance the goals of the Society, all while providing you with networking opportunities, professional development, and personal growth.


If you are interested in joining a committee, please email the contact listed for the committee. Click on the name of the committee to learn more. Contact us here with other questions.

Awards Committee

Mission Statement

The mission of the Awards Committee is to recognize excellence in exposure science research and practice through presenting society awards.The mission is accomplished by soliciting and reviewing nomination packages and selecting the award winner. In addition to the formal announcement for nominations, members of the committee try to promote the awards program by reminding members of the society of the importance of nominating excellent individuals for awards.

Committee Members

Diversity Committee

Mission Statement

The Diversity Committee aims to ensure that the activities and membership of ISES are inclusive, draw from all segments of society, and reflect fairness, diversity and inclusion in order to advance the ability of ISES to meet its objectives:

  • Support diversity in membership and meeting attendees.
  • Support diversity in leadership and committees.
  • Create a culture of inclusiveness at all ISES events.

Committee Members

Ethics Committee

Mission Statement

The purpose of the ISES Ethics Committee is to create a process and advisory role within the society to ensure we are providing the appropriate support and information to our members. ISES welcomes members from academia, government, and the private sector who serve as scientists, scientific managers, and policy makers. There are a variety of perspectives, purposes and roles the society plays within each of these three sectors.

Committee Members

Paloma Beamer – Co-Chair
Juan Pablo Ramos-Bonilla – Co-Chair
John Kissel
Jon Levy
Tom McKone
Pat Breysse
Stephanie Vivanco
Dana Barr
Chris Chaisson
Anna Rosofsky
Michele Del Rio
Lily Wu
Liam O’Fallon

Finance Committee

Mission Statement

The Finance Committee is a standing committee and oversees the capital expenditures of the Society, is consulted on the annual budget, and approves the annual financial reports to the Board as prepared by the Treasurer.

Committee Members

General Scientific Meetings Committee

Mission Statement

The mission of the General Scientific Meetings (GSM) Committee is to solicit, review, and evaluate nominations for site selection and Chair(s) of the ISES Technical Organizing Committee (TOC) for future ISES Annual Meetings.

Committee Members

Membership Committee

  • Mission Statement

To provide benefits to existing members and recruit new members to the Society.

Committee Members

Pallavi Pant — Co-Chair
Yankai Xia — Co-Chair
Lisa Baxter
Lisa Melnyk
Amina Salamova
Elizabeth Marder
Sarah Chambliss
Sara Lupolt
Alison Connolly
Tom Cole-Hunter

Mentorship Committee

Mission Statement

The purpose of the mentorship committee is to provide highly motivated students, post-doctoral fellows, new researchers, and senior members in the field of exposure science with mentorship in exposure science and academia with established researchers from industry, government, and academia.

If you are interested in learning more about the mentor match program, please contact the committee by email.  

Committee Members

Allison Patton — Co-Chair
Brian Marable — Co-Chair
Robin Dodson
Alison Connolly
Elizabeth Boyle
Nerissa Wu
Brad Goodwin
Kristin Isaacs
Elizabeth Lin
Courtney Carignan

Nominations Committee

Mission Statement

The Nominations Committee is a standing committee and is responsible for the nominations for officers and councilors to the Board, giving strong consideration to a geographical, professional discipline, and constituency (academic, government, NGO/private sector) balance.

Committee Members

Publications Committee

Mission Statement

The mission of the Publications Committee is to create and promote opportunities for ISES members to contribute published content related to the field of exposure science.

Committee Members

JESEE Delegates

Student & New Researcher Committee

Mission Statement

The ISES Students and New Researcher (SNR) Committee offers mentorship, opportunities for career development, education, interaction with peers, and networking in addition to providing a platform for presentation and discussion of research. For more information, email snr@intlexposurescience.org.

Committee Members

i-HBM Working Group

Mission Statement

Mission statement coming soon. Click here for more information about the work of this group.


The award eligibility, nominations and selection processes differ among the various awards.  A brief summary of each award along with eligibility requirements and past winners are listed below.  

Conference Awards

The ISES is inclusive to scientists from around the world. To further support students and new researchers from lower-middle-income countries, ISES has established the annual ISES Conference Awards.  Every year, the Society accepts applications from students and new researchers from lower-middle-income countries and/or those who are experiencing extreme financial hardship. 

Applications for the ISES 2023 Conference Awards have been awarded.  Applications for the ISES 2024 Annual Meeting will open in early 2024.

Annual Awards Procedures


The Chair of the Awards Committee issues an e-mail call for nominations to the membership along with the nominations deadline. Our major Award, the Excellence in Exposure Science Award recognizes significant long-term achievements (more than 10 years post-doctoral) and requires a detailed nominating letter and at least one supporting letter. Neither the candidate nor the writers of the nominating and supporting letters are required to be ISES members. Recognition for early career (up to 3 years post-doctoral) and mid-career (up to 10 years post-doctoral) scientists (ISES member or not) are provided, respectively, by the IPA-DGUV and Joan Daisey Outstanding Young Scientist Awards. Both awards require the nominator to be an ISES member and require (for IPA-DGUV) or encourage (for Daisey) at least one additional supporting letter from someone not required to be an ISES member. The Best Student Paper and Young Investigator Meeting Awards require only an email nomination with a CV and manuscript (for best paper). Nominations are not accepted for the ISES Award for Best JESEE Paper, which is selected by the Awards Committee in consultation with the JESEE Editor.  


The successful candidates are notified by phone and/or email no later than two months before the annual ISES meeting. The ISES Secretary, Treasurer, and President, and the primary nominator of the candidate are notified by email.

Announcement & Presentation

Once the award recipients have been notified, a short announcement should be prepared for the website. The ISES President or chair of the Awards Committee will present all the awards at the annual ISES meeting.


Upon close of nominations, the Awards Committee Chair will provide copies of all materials he/she has received to each committee member for review. Each committee member will evaluate the candidates based on the materials supplied and on published papers. Each award has specific selection criteria. Overall ranking will be used to select a candidate. The list of the candidates considered qualified by the Awards Committee will be provided to each member of the Awards Committee who will rank the qualified candidates (e.g., 1 through n, with 1 the highest rank) and provide the ranking to the Chair for tally. The Chair will then sum the score for each candidate and the winner will be the candidate with the lowest score (highest rank). In the event of a tie, this procedure will be repeated for the tied candidates. In the event there are no nominees, or that no candidate is considered qualified, no award will be given. For the Excellence and Joan Daisey Awards the first and second place runners-up for the award will be automatically considered nominees for the award in the following year. The nominators for these candidates will be permitted to solicit additional supporting letters or evidence if they choose.

Annual Award Categories

Excellence in Exposure Science Award

This award is inspired by the work of visionary individuals who have helped shape the field of exposure science and who supported the origins and growth of the ISES and have now passed on but left a strong legacy. The motivation for this award is the recent losses of iconic and ground-breaking researchers exemplified by Natalie Freeman, Michael Lebowitz, Paul Lioy, and Larry Needham. The award recognizes individuals who produce significant advances in the development and/or translation of exposure science and exhibit leadership and service in ISES and/or the exposure science community.

Any person, ISES member or not, whose highest degree was conferred in the calendar year more than 10 years prior to the year in which the award is to be given, and is not a member of the ISES Awards Committee, is eligible for this award.

Selection Criteria

  • Significant scientific contribution to exposure science (e.g., sentinel paper linking indoor air pollution to human health; development of a program, dataset or tool that can enable or enhance interpretation of exposure science data; development of a new sampling tool, device or method that is currently or expected to be widely used, a significant number of high impact papers as lead author or supervising author).
  • Service to exposure science community (e.g., ISES service as officer, councilor, committee chair or member; active mentor in ISES’s mentor program; history of mentoring junior scientists enabling them to become independent researchers; editor, associate editor, editorial board member, or reviewer of journal; study section member).
  • Promote exposure science (e.g., discuss the important role of exposure science in selected studies; publish sentinel papers on the role of exposure science in environmental health; textbook author).
  • Conduct research for practical translation (e.g., conduct interdisciplinary research with existing or expected high impact on policy changes; conducting research addressing emerging topics of immediate concern in environmental health; meta-analysis of studies to synthesize findings for policy change).

Nature of the Award
The award shall consist of a plaque and honorarium. ISES may also provide support for travel to the meeting.

Presentation of the Award
The ISES President or chair of the Awards Committee will present the award at the Annual Meeting.

Award Lecture
The recipient will be expected to present an Award Lecture at the ISES Annual Meeting and to submit the PowerPoint presentation to the ISES webmaster for posting on the ISES website.  The recipient is invited (but not required) to submit a manuscript of his/her lecture for publication in the Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

Dana Barr, PhD
Professor, Emory University

Michael Jarrett, PhD
Professor, UCLA

Rosemary Zaleski, PhD
Principal Scientist at Lumina Consulting

Antonia Calafat, PhD
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Petros Koutrakis, PhD
Harvard University, T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA

Nominators should, in the context of the above criteria, describe the major contributions of the nominee to the science of human exposure assessment, and his/her impact on the field and also provide a curriculum vitae or biographical sketch of the nominee in sufficient depth for evaluation by the ISES Awards Committee. A supporting letter from at least one other person familiar with the contributions of the nominee is necessary; other supporting letters are strongly encouraged.  For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone or Eric Hall..

IPA/DGUV Award for Young Exposure Scientists

This award, new in 2009 and formerly called the DGUV/BGFA Award, is to foster research in exposure areas with linkages to biomonitoring for superior doctoral students working on their dissertation or in the first year postdoctoral experience and whose doctoral field is exposure sciences, occupational/environmental health sciences, toxicology, biochemistry, biology or a related field. This award from the DGUV* Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine (IPA) was created to represent its high regard for the work of Professor Jüergen Angerer in furthering biomonitoring in exposure sciences in Europe and the rest of the world.

*The DGUV (Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung – German Social Accident Insurance) is an association of accident insurance institutions. Its members insure over 70 million people against the consequences of occupational, school and commuting accidents and occupational diseases.

Any person, ISES member or not, who is a doctoral student working on their dissertation or in the first three years of their postdoctoral experience prior to the year in which the award is given. The individual career stage is considered in selecting the winner of the award. An eligible candidate is one whose doctoral field is health sciences, toxicology, biochemistry, biology or a related field and who is not a member of the ISES Awards Committee.

Nature Of the Award
The award shall consist of a plaque and 1500 Euros. The awardee may be invited to give a talk in Europe on his/her research

Benedikt Ringbeck
PhD Candidcate, Universität Bochum, Germany

Ata Rafiee, PhD
PhD Candidate, University of Alberta

Jamaji C. Nwanaji-Enwerem, PhD
Harvard Medical School and Harvard Kennedy School
Cambridge, MA, USA

Nicolas Lopez-Galvez
University of Arizona, Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Tucson, AZ, USA

Stephanie Hammel
Duke University
Durham, NC, USA

Marissa G. Baker
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA

Jacqueline Biesterbos, Ph.D. candidate
Department of Health Evidence, Radboud University
Radboud University Medical Center
Nijmegen, NL

Caterina Vacchi-Suzzi, Ph.D. candidate
Department of Preventive Medicine, Stony Brook University School of Medicine
Stony Brook, NY, USA

Cristina Quinn, Ph.D. candidate
Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences, University of Toronto
Scarborough, CAN

Binnian Wei, Ph.D. candidate
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute, Rutgers University
Rutgers School of Public Health
Piscataway, NJ, USA

Liesel Seryak, Ph.D. candidate
Division of Environmental Health Sciences
The Ohio State University, College of Public Health
Columbus, OH, USA

Marie Frederiksen, Ph.D. candidate
Department of Environmental Chemistry & Microbiology, Aarhus University, National Environmental Research Institute
Aarhus, DENs

A nomination shall consist of a nominating letter from a current ISES member describing the contributions of the nominee to the science of human exposure science, his/her potential for making future contributions to the field, and a curriculum vitae or biographical sketch of the nominee in sufficient depth for evaluation by the ISES Awards Committee. The person submitting the nomination is required to obtain a seconding letter and is encouraged to solicit supporting letters from others familiar with the contributions of the nominee.  For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone or Eric Hall.

Young Investigator Meeting Award

This award supports students and new researchers (researchers within 10 years of terminal degree) participation at the ISES annual meetings. 

Recipients must be a current student or new researcher (researcher within 10 years of terminal degree).

Nature of the Award
The award shall consist of a certificate and $500 provided in reimbursement for meeting registration and/or travel costs incurred in attending the ISES annual meeting.

Peng Gao
Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburg 

Bi Jianzhao
Postdoc, University of Washington

Elyse Caron-Beaudoin
University of Toronto – Scarborough
Department of Physical and Environmental Science
Toronto – Scarborough, Canada

Nathan Lothrop
University of Arizona
Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health
Tucson, AZ  USA

Donghai Liang, PhD, MPH
Emory University, Environmental Health
Atlanta, GA  USA

Darpa Jyethi, PhD
Indian Statistical Institute
North-East Centre at Tezpur

Applications must be submitted to the selection committee by the stated deadline. The nomination consists of brief e-mail identifying the nominee and their qualifications along with a copy of the nominee’s curriculum vitae. Additional material may be requested.  For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone or Eric Hall..

Joan M. Daisey Award

Joan Daisey, a founding ISEA member and past president (1995-1996), passed away on February 29, 2000, after a year-long battle with cancer. Daisey was senior staff scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and one of the nation’s leading experts on indoor air quality.

Upon learning of her death, the ISEA Executive Board voted to rename the Society’s Outstanding Young Scientist Award in honor of Dr. Daisey. The award was established in 1998, due largely to the efforts of Dr. Daisey, who chaired the Awards Committee at that time. She was known to particularly enjoy working with promising young scientists and helped guide numerous students in their doctoral research.

Earlier that year, the ISEA Awards Committee announced that Joan Daisey would be the recipient of the Constance L. Mehlman Award for 2000. A posthumous presentation of the award took place at the October conference in Monterey, at a function honoring her.

Any person, ISES member or not, whose highest degree was conferred in the calendar year less than 10 years prior to the year in which the award is to be given, and is not a member of the ISES Awards Committee, is eligible for this award.

Nature of the Award
The award shall consist of a plaque, ISES membership for one year, and $1000, which can be awarded as a check or as travel reimbursement to an ISES conference, at the discretion of the recipient.

Krystal Pollitt, PhD
Assistant Professor, Yake University

Amina Salamova, PhD
Assistant Professor, Indiana University

Peter Fantke, PhD
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
Quantitative Sustainability Assessment
Lyngby, Denmark

Lesliam Quiros-Alcala , PhD
University of Maryland
Maryland Institute of Applied Environmental Health (MIAEH)
College Park, MD, USA

Kate Hoffman, PhD
Duke University
Nicholas School of the Environment
Durham, NC, USA

Nicole Deziel, MHS, PhD
Yale School of Public Health
New Haven, CT, USA

Marc-Andre Verner
Université de Montréal
Montreal, Canada

Manish Arora
Department of Preventive Medicine,
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, NY, USA

Dr. Jun Wu
Professor in Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Program in Public Health
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA

Julian Marshall
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA

Dr. Holger M. Koch
IPA – Institute for Prevention and Occupational Medicine
Ruhr-University Bochum
Bochum, Germany

Jeremy A. Sarnat, Sc.D.
Professor of Environmental Health
Rollins School of Public Health
Emory University
Atlanta, GA, USA

Dr. Ryan Allen
Faculty of Health Sciences
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, BC, Canada

Dr. Rufus Edwards
School of Medicine
University of California Irvine
Irvine, CA, USA

Dr. Marsha Morgan
Exposure Measurements & Analysis
Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

Pamela Williams, Sc.D.
Office of Research and Development
Washington, DC, USA

Dr. Chensheng Alex Lu
Department of Environmental and Occupational Health
Emory University
Atlanta, GA, USA

Dr. John L. Adgate
Division of Environmental and Occupational Health
School of Public Health
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN, USA

Dr. Lee-Jane Sally Liu
Department of Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA

Dr. David L. MacIntosh
Environmental Health and Engineering
Newton, MA, USA

Dr. Dana Barr
Division of Laboratory Sciences
CDC National Center for Environmental Health
Atlanta, GA, USA

Dr. Adrian Fernandez-Bremauntz
Ministry for the Environment
Natural Resources and Fisheries
Mexico City, Mexico


Dr. Valerie Zartarian
U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development
Reston, VA, USA

Dr. Nicole Janssen
Wageningen University
Wageningen,The Netherlands

Dr. Alison C. Cullen 
Graduate School of Public Affairs
University of Washington
Seattle, WA, USA

A nomination shall consist of a nominating letter from a current ISES member describing the contributions of the nominee to the science of human exposure assessment, his/her potential for making future contributions to the field, and a curriculum vitae or biographical sketch of the nominee in sufficient depth for evaluation by the ISES Awards Committee. The person submitting the nomination is encouraged to solicit supporting letters from others familiar with the contributions of the nominee.  For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone or Eric Hall..

A physical chemist by training, Daisey was at the Berkeley Lab for 14 years and headed the Environmental Energy Technologies (EET) Division’s Indoor Environment Department, with a 60-person staff and a budget of more than $6 million per year. She was also chair of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Science Advisory Board, an influential national board that helps guide the direction of EPA research.

Born in New York City, Daisey received her B.A. in chemistry from Georgian Court College in New Jersey in 1962 and her Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Seton Hall University in 1970. With more than 25 years of research experience, Daisey’s more than 100 publications focused on organic pollutants and indoor and outdoor air particles. Her work in this field included studies of the physical and chemical nature, sources, transport, and fate of pollutants, as well as exposure assessment and exposure pathways.

“Joan’s contributions — as an outstanding researcher within the Department, as an advocate for linking indoor and outdoor air quality research, and as a national leader on environmental research — were magnificent,” said Mark Levine, Division Director of EET. “Equally, we will miss her joy in doing research, her impatience with impediments to progress, her sense of humor, and her acceptance of her co-workers as friends and part of her extended family.” Added Charles V. Shank, Director of Berkeley Lab, “Joan has had an enormous impact here, and we will miss her very much.”

“She will be remembered as an outstanding, creative, and energetic scientist with a positive outlook and a sense of humor,” said fellow scientist Bill Fisk. “She was unselfish and treated her colleagues with warmth and respect.”

While a researcher at New York University Medical Center’s Department of Environmental Medicine (1975-1986), Daisey was a principal investigator in numerous multi-institutional field projects, including the Airborne Toxic Elements and Organic Substances Study. As a senior scientist at Berkeley Lab, she was a principal investigator for many research projects on environmental tobacco smoke, ventilation, infiltration and indoor air quality, the health effects of volatile organic compounds and particles, and on the soil-to-gas transport of volatile organic compounts into buildings as an exposure pathway. She had a strong interest in the continuum between indoor and outdoor air quality and helped to build a bridge between the respective research communities.

Daisey took a lively interest in guiding the development of new areas of research. She was active in the public arena, where she applied her scientific expertise and knowledge of toxic chemicals to the problem of reducing their exposures to human beings. She was a member of EPA’s Science Advisory Board since 1987 and was chair of the Board since 1998. Her work with the Board included participation in several committees, including the EPA’s Human Exposure and Health Subcommittee of the Advisory Board’s Integrated Risk Project. She served on the DOE Lab Directors’ Environmental and Occupational/Public Health Standards Steering Group since 1993; the Board of Scientific Counselors of ATSDR (1988-1990); and the NRC’s Committee on Advances in Assessing Human Exposure to Airborne Pollutants from 1987 to 1989. Daisey worked on the peer review committees that developed emergency plans for the sampling and analysis of data from the Love Canal area of New York State in 1987 and 1988.

ISES Award for Best Student Paper

The first author of an eligible publication must currently be a student or have been a student at the time in which the published work was submitted for publication. Further, the first author must be a current ISES member.

The first author of the publication must be a current ISES member. The paper must have been published (in print) in the prior volume year.

Selection Criteria
Papers will be judged on criteria that include the following:

  • The paper is creative and/or innovative. This can be in terms of methods, organization, generation of knowledge, or in translation between science and applications.
  • The quality of the science is high. Measurements and methods should be transparent, verifiable, reproducible, rigorous, reliable, and relevant.
  • The presentation of the science is of high quality.
  • The paper is visually attractive, economical in use of words and tables and figures and space, well organized, clear, and easy to read.
  • Findings are provided in context with other work (corroborative, weight of evidence). Results are presented in a clear and unbiased manner (e.g. negative as well as positive results are discussed, not over-extrapolated).

Nature of the Award
The award shall consist of award certificates for all authors of a selected paper, with the first author also receiving a one-year membership to ISES. ISES may also acknowledge runner-up papers with letters of recognition for all authors.

Sonja Wrobel
PhD Candidate, Universität Bochum, Germany

Nicolo Aurisano
Student, Technical University of Denmark

The impact of air exchange rate on ambient air pollution exposure and inequalities across all residential parcels in Massachusetts.
Anna Rosofsky, PhD

Relationships of long-term smoking and moist snuff consumption with a DNA methylation – age relevant smoking index: an analysis in buccal cells
Jamaji Nwamaji-Enweren

Asthma trajectories in a population-based birth cohort.
Impacts of air pollution and greenness.
Hind Sbihi (ISES), Mieke Koehoorn, Lillian Tamburic, and Michael Brauer.  American Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine, Vol 195, Iss 5, pp 607–613, (2017).

Quantification of Polybrominated and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Human Matrices by Isotope-Dilution Gas Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Elizabeth Marder, PhD. Toxicology 40, no. 7 (2016): 511-518

Nominations must be submitted to the selection committee by the stated deadline. There are no restrictions on who may nominate, and self-nominations are encouraged. The nomination e-mail should include a copy of the nominee’s manuscript and the nominee’s curriculum vitae.  Additional information, such as a verification of student status may be requested.  For questions regarding award nominations, or to nominate someone, email Tom McKone or Eric Hall..

History of ISES

Historical ISEA/ISES Information:

The International Society of Exposure Assessment (ISEA) was founded in 1989, and the Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology (JEAEE) was established in 1991. The words “analysis” and “assessment” were replaced with “science” in 2006 and 2008, and became ISES and JESEE, respectively. The International Society of Exposure Science (ISES), previously named the International Society of Exposure Analysis and later the International Society of Exposure Assessment, was founded in 1989 as a nonprofit organization to advance the field of exposure science and promote the use of exposure science in the fields of public, occupational, and environmental health. The Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology is the official journal of the ISES. ISES members are experienced in many disciplines, including exposure assessment, chemistry, biochemistry, risk assessment, biostatistics, physiology, toxicology, epidemiology, ecology, environmental fate, transport, and transformation, exposure modeling, air pollution measurement and modeling, and environmental engineering. The society’s membership includes academic, governmental, and private sector scientists, scientific managers, and policy makers who have a common interest in the field of exposure science.

Past Presidents

1990-1991 Myron Mehlman*
1992   Jerry Schroy
1993   Paul Lioy*
1994   Morton Lippmann
1995   Ken Sexton
1996   Joan Daisey*
1997   Tom McKone
1998   Judith Graham
1999   Mike Lebowitz*
2000   Matti Jantunen
2001   Haluk Ozkaynak
2002   John Kissel
2003   Larry Needham*
2004   Erik Lebret
2005-2006  Mike Dellarco
2007-2008  Clifford Weisel
2009-2010  Tina Bahadori
2011-2012  Dana Barr
2013-2014  Richard Fenske
2015-2016  Timothy Buckley
2017-2018  Judy LaKind
2019-2020 Paloma Beamer
2021-2022  Brian Curwin

Founding Members

Gerald Akland
Joseph Behar
Michael Callahan
Steven Colome
Joan Daisey*
Michael Dellarco
Paul Lioy*
Michael Lebowitz*
Lars Möhave
Demetrios Moschandreas
Myron Mehlman
Wayne Ott
James Quackenboss
Bernd Seifert
Jack Spengler
Jerome Wesolowski*

Past Events

2023: Chicago, Illinois, Connecting Communities & Science through Addressing Environmental Exposures

2022:  Lisbon, Portugal, From Exposure to Human Health:  New Developments and Challenges in a Changing Environment

2021:  Virtual Meeting, Multisector Engagement for Addressing Emerging Environmental Exposures

2020:  Virtual Meeting, Changing Exposure, Climate, and Health: From Science to Policy

2019:  Kaunas, Lithuania (with ISIAQ), The built, natural, and social environments: impacts on exposures, health and well-being 

2018:  Ottawa, Canada (with ISEE), Addressing Complex Local and Global Issues in Environmental Exposure and Health

2017:  Durham, NC, Integrating Exposure Science Across Diverse Communities

2016:  Urecht, Netherlands,  Interdisciplinary Approaches to Health and the Environment

2015:  Henderson, NV USA, Exposures in an Evolving Environment

2014:  Cincinatti, OH USA, Exposure Science Integration to Protect Ecological Systems, Human Well-Being, and Occupational Health

2013:  Basel, Switzerland (with ISIAQ), Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West

2012:  Seattle, WA USA, Lessons Learned: Contributions of Exposure Science to Environmental and Occupational Health

2011:  Baltimore, MD USA, Advancing Exposure Science for Environmental Health

2011 Special Section: Milan, Italy, International Society of Exposure Science (ISES) and the Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)

2010:  Seoul, Korea, Technology, Environmental Sustainability and Health

2009:  Minneapolis, MN USA, Transforming Exposure Science in the 21st Century

2008:  Pasadena, CA USA, Exposure and Health in a Global Environment

2007:  Durham, NC USA, Partnerships: Exploring Integrative Approaches in Exposure Assessment 

2006: Paris, France, 16th ISEE/ISES Conference

2005: Tucson, Arizona, 15th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Assessment

2004: Philadelphia, PA, 14th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Assessment

2003: Stresa, Italy, 13th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis

2002: Vancouver, BC, 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis, in partnership with the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).

2001: Charleston, SC, 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis

2000: Monterey, CA, 10th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis 

1999: Athens, Greece, 9th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis in partnership with the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).

1998: Boston, MA, 8th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis

1997: Research Triangle Park, NC, 7th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis with the Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA)

1996: New Orleans, LA, 6th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis with the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).

1995: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 5th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis with the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).

1994: Research Triangle Park, NC, 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis with the International Society of Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE).

1993: Helsinki, Finland, 3rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis with the the International Society of Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ).

1992: San Diego, CA, 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis with the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA).

1991: Atlanta, GA, 1st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Analysis

Dr. Erin Haynes

Dr. Erin Haynes is the Kurt W. Deuschle Professor in Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health and Chair of the Departments of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health at the University of Kentucky, College of Public Health.  She is also deputy director of the UK Center for Appalachian Research in Environmental Sciences (CARES).  She has been working with communities to understand their environmental exposures through research and translation for nearly two decades. Her current research, funded by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences focuses on the impact of environmental neurotoxicant exposure in rural adolescents, and development and validation of a real-time lab-on-a-chip sensor for blood metals detection. Haynes is particularly interested in working with community members to address environmental health issues and developing citizen science tools to enable environmental health research. She currently serves on the NIH/NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences study section, and is the senior associate editor of the Journal of Appalachian Health.

Mr. Liam O’Fallon

Since Mr. O’Fallon joined the Division of Extramural Research and Training in 1999, he has been actively involved in research programs at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences that support community participation in research. O’Fallon leads the Partnerships for Environmental Public Health program at NIEHS, which fosters interactions among projects from different NIEHS-funded programs with a focus on community engagement and a commitment to public health action. He directs the Community Engagement Cores that are a part of the network of Environmental Health Science Core Centers across the country. Most recently, he has become the lead for the Research to Action program, which supports projects using community-engaged research methods to investigate the potential health risks of environmental exposures of concern to a community and to seamlessly translate research findings into public health action. O’Fallon is particularly interested in communication research in the context of environmental public health and health disparities. Before coming to NIEHS, Mr. O’Fallon worked at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in the Office of International and Refugee Health where he coordinated an interagency, binational working group addressing environmental health issues along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Mr. O’Fallon received his Master’s degree in Latin American Studies, specializing in medical anthropology and international health, from Tulane University in 1997.

Dr. Aubrey K. Miller

Dr. Aubrey K. Miller, MD, MPH, retired Captain USPHS, is board certified in Occupational and Environmental Medicine.  He is currently the Senior Medical Advisor to the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), where he oversees legislative, policy, strategic planning, and coordination of environmental health issues and activities among U.S. federal agencies, congress, academia, and other stakeholders.

His experiences include numerous public health investigations and research studies involving a wide range of occupational and environmental health issues.  He has contributed to the leadership and management of numerous disaster responses including the Libby, Montana, Public Health Emergency involving widespread asbestos contamination, major hurricanes, the H1N1 influenza, Ebola, and Zika outbreaks, the World Trade Center and anthrax attacks, and the Gulf Oil Spill.  He currently leads the NIH Disaster Research Response (DR2) Program which focuses on improving national and international disaster research capabilities through enhancing policies, infrastructure, training, and integration of stakeholders, especially academia and impacted communities.  He received a BS in biology, BA in political science, and MPH in environmental and occupational health at the University of Illinois, and his MD at Rush Medical College.  His 28-year career includes service as a CDC Epidemiology Intelligence Service (EIS) officer and senior medical officer positions with CDC/NIOSH, the HHS Office of the Secretary, EPA, and FDA.

Xiaoming Shi

Professor and Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health (NIEH), Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)

National institute of Environmental Health, China CDC

Presentation: Clean air actions and health plans in China

Xiaoming Shi is an epidemiologist and public health expert in China. He obtained a PhD degree in epidemiology from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) in 2005. Currently, he is Professor and Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health (NIEH), China CDC that is responsible for investigating, monitoring and evaluating health effects of environmental exposures, conducting technical guidance of environmental health protection nationally. His major research interests include environmental hazards and health effects, healthy aging, and the control and prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). He has received a number of grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and international agencies and organizations to conduct these researches. He has also contributed to establish the national human bio-monitoring program of China, and representatively assessed the internal exposure levels of environmental chemicals in Chinese population for the first time. Meanwhile, Prof. Shi is leading a large-scale project systematically assessing the acute health risks of air pollution in China. He and his research group established a cohort study on sub-clinical outcomes of polluted air in China (SCOPA-China Cohort) and a well-designed panel study on biomarkers of air pollutants exposure in the Chinese aged 60-69 (China BAPE). He has extensive experiences working with numerous NCDs and aging studies in Chinese populations. He has authored or co-authored over 230 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters and books. Since the year of 2020, Prof. Shi has led Technical Workgroup on Health Protection for Key Places, Units and Populations, which is affiliated with the China CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response Mechanism.



Antonia Calafat

Chief, Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch, Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health


Presentation: Chemical Exposures and What Biomonitoring Tells Us (and Doesn’t Tell Us)

Dr. Antonia Calafat is the Chief of the Organic Analytical Toxicology Branch, Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia. She leads CDC’s biomonitoring programs for assessing human exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); polybrominated diphenyl ethers; polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, furans, and biphenyls; pesticides; flame retardants; polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; and chemicals added to consumer and personal-care products such as phthalates and phenols. Dr. Calafat has developed and maintained extensive collaborative research with leading scientists in the fields of exposure science, epidemiology, toxicology and health assessment. Her research has made important contributions to biomonitoring science, including CDC’s National Reports on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals. She received the 2019 Excellence in Exposure Science Award granted by the International Society of Exposure Science in recognition of her scientific contributions, service and leadership to the field. Dr. Calafat earned her PhD in Chemistry in 1989 from the University of the Balearic Islands, Spain. She was a Fulbright Scholar at the Department of Chemistry of Emory University where she completed her postdoctoral training. She joined CDC in 1996.



mark! Lopez

Community Organizer & Special Projects Coordinator

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice

mark! Lopez (He/Him/His) comes from a family with a long history of activism. He was raised in the Madres del Este de Los Angeles Santa Isabel (Mothers of East LA Santa Isabel – MELASI), an organization co-founded by his grandparents, Juana Beatriz Gutierrez and Ricardo Gutierrez. This set his trajectory as a community activist. He engaged in a wide array of student activism at UC Santa Cruz where he earned his B.A. in Environmental Studies, and taught university courses at UC Santa Cruz, Cal State Northridge, and UCLA Extension. mark! earned his M.A. from the Chicanx Studies Department at Cal State Northridge, where he completed his Masters thesis titled “The Fire: Decolonizing ‘Environmental Justice’.” mark! joined East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice as a member three years before joining the staff. After serving as Lead Organizer for East Yard Communities and Co-Director with EYCEJ Co-Founder Angelo Logan, mark! served as the Executive Director for over 6 years. He served briefly as a Co-Director along with Laura Cortez and Taylor Thomas, the current Co-Executive Directors, and then transitioned into the Eastside Community Organizer & Special Projects Coordinator roles. He organizes in the area where he was born, raised and continues to live. mark! is the 2017 North American Recipient of the Goldman Environmental Prize.



Tom de Groeve

Deputy Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit at the European Commission Joint Research Centre

European Commission Joint Research Centre

Presentation: Exposure to disaster risk: advances in global mapping of hazard, people and built-up.

Tom De Groeve, Ph. D., is Deputy Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit at the European Commission Joint Research Centre. He does research in risk management, disaster monitoring and emergency management systems in support of EU and global policy related to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. Tom’s research in remote sensing, geomatics led to various early warning and disaster management systems at UN level, such as the Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS), the INFORM Global Risk for humanitarian crises and disasters, and the Global Conflict Risk Index. In the context of the EU’s Civil Protection Mechanism, his work in crisis technology contributed to the design of the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre. Tom was at the origin of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre, recently adopted as the science pillar in the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. Since 2017, Tom is Deputy Head of the Disaster Risk Management Unit. In 2019, Tom lead JRC’s transversal initiative on climate change adaptation and in 2020, Tom co-chaired the COVID-19 Task Force of the JRC. Tom received his Ph.D. in Geomatics from Laval University in Quebec City, Canada, in 1999 on the topic of spatial uncertainty in map making.



Peggy Shepard

Executive Director

WE ACT for Environmental Justice

Presentation: Collaboration to Advance Health Equity.

Peggy Shepard is co-founder and executive director of WE ACT for Environmental Justice which has a base building office in Northern Manhattan neighborhoods and a federal policy office in Washington DC. In 1988, she began a long history of movement building. — organizing and engaging Northern Manhattan residents and environmental justice groups across the country in community-based planning and campaigns to address environmental protection and environmental health policy locally and nationally. A graduate of Howard University, her work has received broad recognition: the Jane Jacobs Medal from the Rockefeller Foundation for Lifetime Achievement, the 10th Annual Heinz Award For the Environment, the Rachel Carson Award from Audubon, the Dean’s Distinguished Service Award from the Columbia Mailman School of Public Health, the Carver Award from American Public Health Association, and Honorary Doctorates from Smith College and Lawrence University.




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Air Sensor: Co-location and Calibration

Instructors: Vasu Kilaru, Elena Austin, Edmund Seto, Darby Jack, Steven Chillrud, Dan Westervelt, Vikram Rao

Saturday, August 14th, 2021   |   10:00 AM – 4:00 PM EST 

Description: Given the cost and popularity along with the uncertainty/variability in data quality, the use of air sensors for a given application requires an understanding of the data quality of these devices. This can be done either in the laboratory or in-situ in the field, both of which have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of a field study is that it portrays real world conditions along with interferences from a complex mixture of pollutants. Field deployment of sensors along with a co-located reference monitor allows for direct assessment of the data quality performance of the sensor devices.
Learning Objectives: This course will demonstrate the basic steps of a co-location analysis from data already collected. Such an analysis not only illuminates the performance of the given sensors, but could be used to re-calibrate the instruments to provide improved performance. The analysis will consider various performance parameters such as precision, accuracy, error and discuss effects of temperature and relative humidity.
Attendees of this course will utilize collocated reference and sensor data and evaluate performance based on several metrics. Data will already be uploaded online and an R Shiny package will be used for analysis. Data from several sites are likely to be used to illustrate issues. The instructors will also discuss other issues such as:
1. Logistics: Permissions, space concerns and distance from other instruments’ sample inlets, insurance, safety, power, networking, access, etc.
2. Choice of colocation site: how representative is the colocation site’s environment with the environment that the monitor will eventually be located? Discussion of the different types of sites (regional, near-roadway, etc.) that are operated by gov’t, as this often conditions the instruments and pollutant species that are collected there.
3. How long should the colocation be? Re-colocation/re-calibration?
4. Do all monitors need to be collocated/calibrated within a study/region?
5. Measuring other covariates to understand sensor performance/calibration? E.g., temperature, humidity
6. Identifying sensor limits of detection (high or low) and/or non-linear sensor response from colocation data.
7. Identifying sensor drift or failure from colocation data.


Presenting at a Conference: Tips and Feedback

Instructors: Courtney Carignan, Alison Connolly

Friday, July 30th, 2021   |   12:00 PM  – 2:00 PM EST 

Description: Get support preparing for your platform presentation from the ISES Mentorship committee. Our panelists will share their top tips and participants will be invited to practice their presentation in a small breakout group to get positive and constructive feedback from one of our panelists.


Land-use regression with spatiotemporally correlated errors

Instructors: Kyle Messier

Friday, August 13th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

Description: Land-use regression, Kriging, and similar geospatial methods are popular approaches for predicting external exposure. This workshop will introduce recent developments in land-use regression and Kriging methods that allow for simultaneous selection of geographic covariates while accounting for spatial or spatiotemporally correlated errors while being scalable for large geospatial datasets. Additionally, methods to account for non-detect or left-censored data in land-use regression will be discussed. Participants in this workshop will learn the theory and the R-language implementation with real-world data.


Incorporating Environmental Justice Concepts into Medical Training

Instructors: Tai Lung

Friday, July 30th, 2021   |   9:30 AM – 11:30 AM EST

Description: The public looks to health care providers for expertise in environmental health. Unfortunately, physicians receive very little formal training regarding environmental exposures and even less on the relationship to health outcomes. Medical school curricula are increasingly including instruction on social determinants of health as these factors are accepted influences for poor health outcomes. Building from this, attendees of this 2-hour workshop will learn how to use the US EPA’s EJSCREEN Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool, in conjunction with publicly available health outcome data to teach medical professionals the relationship between environmental exposures (lead-based paint and air pollution), social factors (race, economic status) and poor health outcomes, such as lead poisoning, asthma, and shortened life expectancy. As health educators and students may not have access to GIS applications or methods, the tools needed for this activity are an internet browser and a spreadsheet application with mapping capabilities such as Microsoft Excel.


How to Explore, Access, and Analyze over 3.5 billion air quality data points from 120 countries on the OpenAQ platform

Instructors: Chisato Calvert, Jeremy Taub

Monday, August 30th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

DescriptionThis workshop will introduce the OpenAQ Platform, Tools, and Community to participants in order to inspire and empower them to apply – and contribute – open air quality data in new ways to their research. By participating in this workshop, participants will be able to:
• Access more than half a billion near real-time air quality (PM2.5, PM10, O3, NO2, CO, SO2, and BC) data points from 11000+ stations in 93 countries via an online user interface, API and other methods
• Create user-customized datasets for download
• Analyze large batches of data quickly using AWS’ Athena and other open-source tools from the OpenAQ Community
• Learn how open air quality data has been applied to various fields including research, journalism, policy, and education
• Learn how to share air quality data obtained for research purposes on the OpenAQ Platform
• Learn how to connect with the OpenAQ Community to gain new colleagues working on air quality issues from a variety of fields across the world.


An Introduction to Implementation Science for Environmental Health

Instructors: Lindsey Martin

Monday, August 30th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

DescriptionImplementation science is the study of methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based interventions (e.g., programs, practices, and policies) into routine health care, community, and public health settings. This objective of this two-hour interactive workshop is to provide participants with a high-level overview of implementation science and its application to the field of environmental health. Topics that will be discussed include distinguishing effectiveness (e.g., intervention) studies from implementation studies, differentiating implementation outcomes from effectiveness outcomes, common implementation strategies, hybrid effectiveness-implementation designs, an overview of theories, models, and frameworks in implementation science, and the importance of community engagement in the implementation process. Participants will come away from the workshop with an introductory understanding of how to apply implementation science to their work in environmental health, and a list of resources to promote further study.

Link to: 10 Key Ingredients Exercise

Link to: ISES ImpSci EHS Workshop Annotated

NASA Data and Tools for Health Applications

Instructors: Bryan Duncan, Pawan Gupta

Friday, August 13th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

DescriptionThe combination of air quality (AQ) data from satellites and low-cost sensor systems, along with output from AQ models, have the potential to augment high-quality, regulatory-grade data in countries with in situ monitoring networks and provide much needed AQ information for health professional in countries without them. We demonstrate the potential of free and publicly-available NASA resources, which include capacity building activities, satellite data, and global AQ forecasts, to provide cost-effective, and reliable AQ information to health professionals around the world. We will also have a hands-on training to show participants how to access NASA resources.


A Framework for Building Environmental Health Literacy in Health Equity Population Settings

Instructors: Esther Erdei, Kathleen Vandiver, Amanda Mayer, Judith Zelikoff

Friday, July 30th, 2021   |   9:30 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

DescriptionThe workshop will introduce a novel learning system considering environmental health, genetics and emerging chemicals from a health equity perspective. Our approach combines hands-on interactive models with case-based lessons, and targeted online toxicology lectures that highlights environmental health issues in impacted communities. The hands-on approach employs DNA and protein molecular models designed to demonstrate differences in susceptibilities to environmental chemicals. The models provide learners with visuals and an experience of “learning by doing.” Increased knowledge of the effects of environmental toxicants is the first step toward improving health care for exposed communities. The workshop designed to provide a fundamental basis of environmental health education for students (undergraduate, graduate level) and health care professionals new to environmental health and environmental justice issues. The workshop team will deliver interactive, hands-on learning opportunities to the audience that strengthens toxicological concepts and linking those to population susceptibilities and potential emerging disease pathways.

Link to: ISES CYP Activities

Web-based spectral processing, functional interpretation and biomarker analysis using MetaboAnalyst

Instructors: Jianguo Xia

Friday, August 13th, 2021   |   12:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST 

DescriptionThe growing applications of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) have set the stage for a new paradigm for exposure assessment. However, data analysis and interpretation remain challenging. User-friendly, high-performance tools are urgently needed. This workshop will introduce the latest version (5.0) of MetaboAnalyst (www.metaboanalyst.ca) for comprehensive LC-HRMS spectral processing and analysis. In particular, participants will be able to
• Devise proper bioinformatics workflows for processing and analyzing metabolomic data
• Understand parameter optimization and conduct LC-MS data processing;
• Apply appropriate statistics to undertake rigorous data analysis;
• Visualize datasets to gain intuitive insights into the composition and functional insights


Toxicokinetic New Approach Methodologies (NAMs)

Instructors: John Wambaugh, Barbara Wetmore, Caroline Ring

Friday, August 13th, 2021   |   12:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST 

Description: Toxicokinetics (TK) provides key information for relating inherent chemical hazard to the exposures that occur in order to understand potential risk posed to public health. High throughput toxicokinetics (HTTK) is the combination of in vitro data and generic TK modeling. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s R package “httk” provides open source data and models for HTTK for more than a thousand chemicals. This course will introduce “httk” by covering the generation of chemical-specific in vitro data for HTTK, generic TK models for key exposure scenarios that may be parameterized with those data, uncertainty and variability analysis, and applications to in vitro-in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) for risk assessment.


USEtox consensus near-field & far-field exposure and impact modeling for chemical prioritization, substitution and life-cycle assessment

Instructors: Peter Fantke, Olivier Jolliet, Lei Huang

Monday, August 30th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

Description: There is an increasing need for methods to assess exposure and related impacts of toxic chemical emissions on human health and ecosystems including consumer exposure. This course provides a practical overview of multimedia chemical fate modelling, near-field and far-field multi-pathway human exposure modelling, ecosystem and human health effects dose-response modelling, and comparative indicators for human-toxicological and ecotoxicological impacts. We explain basic concepts of environmental mass balance modelling including partitioning, first order cross-media transport, and persistence. We further introduce the concept of assessing multiple transfers between near-field and far-field environments and resulting exposures for consumers and the general population, discussing data and models available for detergents, building materials, food contact materials and personal care products. Along a series of practical examples, we will illustrate how fate, exposure, effect and damage factors can be combined to construct factors to characterize chemical emissions and chemicals in consumer products, building on the USEtox scientific consensus model and USEtox-compatible near-field models. We will conclude with a demonstration of how the models can be used in various applications, including the prioritization and ranking of chemicals for institutions like the European Commission or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Course Objectives
The aim of this course is to introduce participants to the exposure science methods used in life-cycle and comparative risk assessments. Participants will learn to use and evaluate basic tools for mass-balance, fate modelling, near-field and far-field exposure and intake fraction, and effect factor estimation. Participants will review underlying model assumptions and evaluate data needs along with data and knowledge gaps in these assessments.
The course is intended for environmental science practitioners interested in the scientific fundamentals of chemical impact assessment for a broad range of environmental emissions. Only basic background knowledge of environmental modelling, risk assessment or life cycle assessment is considered necessary.
Participants will come away with knowledge of basic concepts of consumer and population exposure science for chemical impact assessment and be able to perform their own assessment using the latest release version of the scientific consensus model USEtox and related near-field models, and interpret results for their own application context.

Target Audience
The course is for PhD students, professionals and practitioners interested in state-of-the-art mass balance-based tools for use in life cycle impact assessment, human and ecological toxicity assessment, consumer exposure assessment, risk screening, chemical substitution and prioritization. No specific previous knowledge is required.

Products/Course materials
Short course copies of all lecture presentation slides as well as working materials for the exercises will be distributed electronically. A copy of all presented modelling tools will be distributed. Course participants will be provided copies of all main scientific articles in electronic form.


NASA Data and Tools for Health Applications

Instructors: Bryan Duncan, Pawan Gupta

Friday, August 13th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST 

DescriptionThe combination of air quality (AQ) data from satellites and low-cost sensor systems, along with output from AQ models, have the potential to augment high-quality, regulatory-grade data in countries with in situ monitoring networks and provide much needed AQ information for health professional in countries without them. We demonstrate the potential of free and publicly-available NASA resources, which include capacity building activities, satellite data, and global AQ forecasts, to provide cost-effective, and reliable AQ information to health professionals around the world. We will also have a hands-on training to show participants how to access NASA resources.


Data Visualization for Environmental Epidemiology with ggplot2: Mastering Presentation-Grade Figures

Instructors: Alison Krajewski, Lauren Wyatt, Alexandra Larsen

Friday, August 6th, 2021   |   9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST 

Description: Data visualization is critical to conveying new findings in environmental health and is a vital part of advancing the field of environmental epidemiology around the globe. There are a variety of options for creating figures with licensed software, but data visualization packages like ggplot2/R are easily accessible and economical alternatives that can produce high quality and journal-ready figures. The syntax of ggplot2 is challenging to learn, so this workshop aims to allow participants to become comfortable with the syntax of ggplot2, create elegant, complex figures, and be comfortable applying the skills learned to their own research projects.
This workshop, led by a diverse, all-female panel of new researchers, will offer live-coding and interactive examples using R statistical software. This session will begin with a brief introduction to the ggplot2 package and supporting packages. Next, we will cover general practices for manipulating data structures and data formatting for creating ggplots. We will spend the majority of the workshop introducing examples of various plots that are frequently used in environmental epidemiology, focusing on the following aspects:
• Adding confidence intervals to point estimates;
• Manipulating background, axis, titles, legends, colors, themes;
• Creating maps;
• Saving and exporting high quality figures for presentations and publications.
We assume that participants will have some experience in statistical programming. No prior experience with ggplot is necessary, but this workshop is not meant to be an introduction to R.


Career Paths in Exposure Science hosted by HEI.

Instructors: Dinsheng Li, Allison Patton, Marissa Kosnik, Tom Bruton, Susan Csiszar, Kristin Isaacs, Brittany Baisch

Saturday, July 31st, 2021   |   11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST 

Description: Being an exposure scientist can open many different doors in terms of career paths. In this workshop, graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculties who are wondering about their future can interact with six panelists from four sectors (academia, industry, government, and non-profit) at different career stages. The panelists will first introduce themselves and share their experience in their respective sectors as exposure scientists. Then the floor will open for Q&A with the audience. This workshop is organized by the ISES Mentorship Committee and sponsored by the Health Effects Institute.


EPA’s EnviroAtlas | Leveraging freely available geospatial data and interactive tools

Instructors: Jessica Daniel, Anne Neale, Jose Zambrana

Saturday, July 31st, 2021   |   1:30 PM – 4:00 PM EST 

Description: EnviroAtlas (https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas) is a data-rich, web-based decision support tool that combines maps, analysis tools, downloadable data, and informational resources. It is used by states, tribes, communities, and individuals to help inform policy and planning decisions that impact the places where we live, learn, work and play. EnviroAtlas contains two primary tools: An Interactive Map, which provides access to 550+ environment-related and demographic maps and the Eco-Health Relationship Browser, which displays evidence from hundreds of scientific publications on the linkages between ecosystems, the services they provide, and human health. EnviroAtlas data are available for multiple extents for the U.S., from fine-scale data for individual municipalities to national datasets. This workshop will demonstrate how to use the two main interactive tools, including analysis tools built in to the Interactive Map. We will also do a deep dive into available EnviroAtlas data, focusing on topics of import to the ISES community, including: Impacts of public health policy, Climate change, Sustainability, Multiple stressor interactions, Use of “big data” in exposure science.
Attendees will be trained on how to access the data online and download for use. The workshop will also cover resources available for specific user groups, including Downloadable Geospatial Toolboxes, Educational modules for classroom use, a guide for using EnviroAtlas in Health Impact Assessment, and more. Attendees will also get a sneak peek at upcoming EnviroAtlas features and data. The virtual workshop will invite interaction and engagement from attendees to explore their topics of interest.

Link to: Webquest Conference

Link to: EnviroAtlas Handout

Link to: EnviroAtlasWorkshop ISES Attendee Agenda


Demystifying the NIEHS Grant Process to Attract and Retain Diverse Talent for the Environmental Health Sciences

Instructors: Melissa Smarr, Lauren Aleksunes, Andres Cardenas, Zelieann R Craig, Michael (Mike) Humble, Ericka L. Reid, Tiffany Sanchez, Kassim Traore, Marie O’Neill Link to: Speakers Biographies

Friday, July 30th, 2021   |   12:00 PM – 4:00 PM EST  

Description: The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provides a great opportunity for researchers to advance exposure science and environmental epidemiology, but the NIH grant process can be challenging, particularly for first time applicants. This workshop will demystify the grant application process, provide tips for applicants, and highlight funding programs relevant to the ISES/ISEE communities. Workshop participants will also discuss strategies to increase the recruitment and retention of PIs and students from groups who have been historically underrepresented in biomedical research and underfunded by NIH.  


CalEnviroScreen: Exploring state-wide pollution exposure indicators and discussing the future of California’s Environmental Justice mapping tool

Instructors: Andrew Slocombe, Kelsey Ranjbar

Friday, August 6th, 2021   |   1:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST 

Description: Many California communities, including low-income and minority communities, face disproportionate and cumulative impacts from pollution. To better understand and identify these communities, CalEPA’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) developed CalEnviroScreen, a science-based mapping tool that identifies vulnerable California communities by census tract that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution. This workshop will provide an overview and brief background of CalEnviroScreen, focusing on the scoring of pollution indicators and the concept of cumulative exposure and how that differs from traditional exposure assessment. There will then be an interactive portion to explore different areas of the state using CalEnviroScreen’s online mapping applications. The workshop will finish with opportunity for discussion on the benefits and limitations of the tool, it’s future potential, and methods to incorporate and/or improve additional exposure information into CalEnviroScreen.


Bioaerosol sampling and analysis (To be delivered in Spanish: Muestreo y analisis de aerosoles biologicos)

Instructors: Ana Rule, Juan Pablo Ramos Bonilla

Friday, August 6th, 2021   |   10:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST 

Description: Este taller está diseñado para proporcionar el conocimiento básico y la habilidad para realizar muestreos de aire para aerosoles biológicos y cómo analizar y presentar resultados. Los temas incluyen la justificación y los métodos para realizar un muestreo selectivo por tamaño, la viabilidad del organismo, la eficiencia del mustreo, las fuentes comunes emision, las concentraciones relativas y enfoques para realizar “one health”. Repasaremos el principio de funcionamiento y pros / contras de los muestreadores más habituales. Otros temas que se discutirán incluyen desafíos para definir estándares de exposición. Incluye tiempo para la discusión de estudios de casos.

This workshop is designed to provide the basic knowledge and skill to perform air sampling for biological aerosols, and how to analyze and present results. Topics include rationale and methods for conducting size-selective sampling, organism viability, collection efficiency, common sources of concern, relative concentrations, and one health approaches. We will review the principle of operation and pros/cons of the most common samplers. Other topics to be discusses include challenges for defining exposure standards and guidelines. Includes time for discussion of case studies.



Dr. Urs Schlüter
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)

Dr. Urs Schlüter is head of the unit Exposure Scenarios at the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) which is the German Competent Authority for the REACH and Biocides regulations. He leads a unit of 20 scientists and engineers who perform the regulatory exposure assessments for workplaces in the framework of the European REACH and the Biocides regulation. Urs Schlüter is a chemist by training who studied at the universities of Dortmund, Münster and Raleigh (NC). During his work for BAuA he participated in a number of international and European working committees. Since 2011, he has been a member of the ECHA’s Committee for Rish Assessment (RAC).  He has managed research studies aiming  the evaluation of work-place situations (exposure assessment, risk management measures) for different chemicals. Since 2017 he serves also as Councilor ‘Communication & Capacity Building’ in the board of ISES Europe (Europe Regional Chapter of the international Society of Exposure Science).




Susana Viegas
National School of Public Health, Public Health Research Centre from NOVA University of Lisbon

Susana Viegas is professor and researcher in National School of Public Health, Public Health Research Centre from NOVA University of Lisbon. Susana Viegas has a PhD in Public Health (National School of Public Health) and also an academic background in Toxicology (Surrey University), Occupational Health (Lisbon University) and Environmental Health (Lisbon School of Health Technology). Prof. Viegas lectures on Environmental and Occupational Health and coordinates several research projects on occupational toxicology, exposure assessment and risk assessment. She has authored and co-authored more than 120 scientific publications, including original articles in peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters, special articles and full proceeding papers, as well as 200+ conference abstracts. She is member of the ECHA’s Committee for Risk Assessment and of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency in the area of Environment & health-chemicals. She is also a visiting scientist at Monographs Programme of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization.

Marina Silva
Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL), Coordinator Commission from Health and Technology Research Center (H&TRC)

Marina received the Environmental Health degree from Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL) in 2010. In 2016, Marina received the Ph.D. degree in Environmental Sciences by TUDelft. She is currently Assistant Professor in Lisbon School of Health Technology (ESTeSL), Lisbon, Portugal and Member of Coordinator Commission from Health and Technology Research Center (H&TRC). From 2010 until now, her main concern has been the mitigation of elderly exposure to air pollutants and the potentiation of their quality of life. She has developed consistent R&D activities on the topics of susceptible population exposure to air pollutants, human health impacts to air pollutants, indoor and atmospheric air quality assessment. More recently, the researcher has focused her attention on sustainable mobility issues and eco-tourism. She has authored or co-authored more than 30 scientific publications, including original articles in peer-reviewed journals, books and book chapters, special articles and full proceeding papers, as well as +100 conference abstracts. Additionally, Marina had participated in 10 R&D national and international projects in diverse topics, such as neutron activation analysis, nuclear techniques, aerosol characterization, air quality assessment, human exposure to air pollutants, low carbon economy and sustainable mobility. Moreover, all of these collaborations potentiated the possibility to participate in European networks and platforms, such as FAIRMODE, Cost Actions SHELD-ON and COLOSSAL. All these activities and collaborations have enabled the improvement of the relations between a wide range of disciplines and stakeholders, from researchers to business stakeholders and between teachers and society actors. This reinforces the importance of performing cutting-edge R&D activities with relevance and application in real world. This link with the society has been intensified since Marina was the Communication Manager of two European projects: REMEDIO and ClimACT.




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